Using the API
Here are some docs on common use cases for the API, with links
API Gateway Endpoints
The {chainId}
in each endpoint is the chain/network number you wish to request from. 1 for Mainnet, 137 for Polygon, 42161 for Arbitrum etc.
- GraphQL endpoint for retrieving pools with filters / queries. Forwards requests to Appsync. See 'GraphQL Requests' section for more info./pools/{chainId}/update
- Runs the worker lambda that fetches the latest pool information from the graph and saves it in the database./pools/{chainId}
- Returns a JSON array of all Balancer pools of that chain/pools/{chainId}/{id}
- Returns JSON information about a pool of a specificid
- Run a SOR (Smart Order Router) query against the balancer pools and returns SerializedSwapInfo./order/{chainId}
- Run a SOR (Smart Order Router) query against the balancer pools and returns a SorOrderResponse./tokens/{chainId}
- Returns a JSON array of all known tokens of that chain/tokens/update/
- Runs the worker lambda that for every known token, fetches the latest price (in the chains native asset) from coingecko and saves it in the database./check-wallet
- Used to perform sanctions checks with TRM./tenderly/contracts/encode-states
- Encodes state information with Tenderly/tenderly/simulate
- Simulate a transaction with Tenderly
Smart Order Router Queries
The Smart Order Router is a package created by Balancer that, for any given input and output token, finds you the best trade path across all Balancer pools. It is used by the Balancer frontend to calculate trades.
You can POST the following JSON content to the endpoints /sor
or /order
to return smart order router information.
sellToken: string<Address>, # The address of the token you wish to sell
buyToken: string<Address>, # The address of the token you wish to buy
orderKind: string<buy|sell>, # Either 'buy' or 'sell', described further below
amount: int, # The amount in sellToken or buyToken that you wish to sell/buy
gasPrice: int, # The current gas price in wei, this is used to ensure your trade is most efficient considering the gas cost of performing multiple swaps.
# The following are for /order only
sender: string<Address>, # The address of the wallet sending sellToken.
receiver: string<Address>, # The address of the wallet which should receive buyToken.
slippagePercentage: float (default 0.01), # The total slippage to allow in this order. 0.01 = 1%.
Order Kind - Set to 'buy' to buy the exact amount of your buyToken
and sell as little as possible to get that. Set to 'sell' to sell the exact amount of your sellToken
and buy as much as you can with that.
Return Values
/sor Endpoint
The /sor
endpoint returns json according to this interface:
export interface SerializedSwapInfo {
tokenAddresses: string[];
swaps: SwapV2[];
swapAmount: string;
swapAmountForSwaps?: string;
returnAmount: string;
returnAmountFromSwaps?: string;
returnAmountConsideringFees: string;
tokenIn: string;
tokenOut: string;
marketSp: string;
which contains all the swaps and order information, but you must assemble the transaction to make this swap yourself.
/order Endpoint
The /order
endpoint returns json like this:
export interface SorOrderResponse {
// Price information from SOR
price: PriceResponse;
// The address the transaction should be sent to
to: Address;
// Transaction data
data: string;
// value to send with transaction
value: BigNumberish;
which contains transaction data that you can immediately post to chain.
Sometimes the returned order needs to be sent to the Balancer Batch Relayer (the to
address will be the batch relayer). When this happens you must first approve the relayer with the Balancer vault so that it can make swaps on your behalf. You can do this by calling setRelayerApproval(walletAddress, relayerAddress, true)
on the Balancer vault, see an example in the E2E Test Helpers file.
Smart Order Router Examples
Swap BAL for DAI
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sellToken":"0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3d","buyToken":"0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f","orderKind":"sell", "amount":"1000000000000000000", "gasPrice":"10000000"}' $ENDPOINT_URL/sor/1
Swap USDC for DAI
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sellToken":"0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48","buyToken":"0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f","orderKind":"sell", "amount":"100000", "gasPrice":"10000000"}' $ENDPOINT_URL/sor/1
Swap WETH for an exact amount of BAL
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sellToken":"0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2","buyToken":"0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3d","orderKind":"buy", "amount":"1000000000000000000", "gasPrice":"10000000"}' $ENDPOINT_URL/sor/1
Swap BAL for DAI on the Polygon network
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sellToken":"0x9a71012B13CA4d3D0Cdc72A177DF3ef03b0E76A3","buyToken":"0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174","orderKind":"sell", "amount":"1000000000000000000", "gasPrice":"10000000"}' $ENDPOINT_URL/sor/137
Swap WETH for BAL on the Arbitrum network
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sellToken":"0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1","buyToken":"0x040d1EdC9569d4Bab2D15287Dc5A4F10F56a56B8","orderKind":"sell", "amount":"1000000000000000000", "gasPrice":"10000000"}' $ENDPOINT_URL/sor/42161
Swap WXDAI for USDC on the Gnosis Chain network
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sellToken":"0xe91d153e0b41518a2ce8dd3d7944fa863463a97d","buyToken":"0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83","orderKind":"sell", "amount":"1000000000000000000", "gasPrice":"100000"}' $ENDPOINT_URL/sor/100
GraphQL Requests
You can check out to see example requests fetching pools from the API.